
What online training is worth investing in during lockdown?

What online training is worth investing in during lockdown?

There is no denying the impact that the coronavirus pandemic has had around the world. This is especially true in countries like the UK where strict lockdown measures to fight it have been introduced. These measures have seen many UK businesses affected and...

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Generations in the workplace: how coaching can help

Generations in the workplace: how coaching can help

These days, the average workplace is more diverse than ever – especially when it comes to the ages of people in employment. In many offices and businesses, five generations can be spanned in one setting, something that certainly wasn’t commonplace years ago. When it...

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Understanding how to manage in the VUCA world

Understanding how to manage in the VUCA world

You might never hear about VUCA, and wonder how it could help you manage the changing world around you. Fear not! We're here to help. VUCA is an acronym that stands for: Volatility Uncertainly Complexity Ambiguity The term was first used in the 1990s by the US...

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Consulting: how my company can benefit from it

Consulting: how my company can benefit from it

You've got a great team at work, business is doing well and there are even talks of expanding out. Or maybe, things have been going on the downside, falling client numbers, poor reviews, and your returns are not as much as you hoped for. Well, for either of these...

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Why start ups should invest in staff training

Why start ups should invest in staff training

Best practice in a business should start from day one, and that includes training your staff. Coaching and mentoring means that you can get the best from your team right from the get-go, which is why it pays to invest in professional training. Start up companies can...

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